Young Trustees
Empathy exists for children and young people and therefore it is very important that children and young people are involved in running Empathy.
Our Young Trustees are the eyes, ears and voice of every Empathy child and it is their job to keep the adults on track and up to date with all that Empathy does and needs to do.
Each group has up to 4 young trustees.
Young Trustees have their own committee and meetings and can nominate a member to represent them at full board meetings
It is a very responsible job and therefore there are some things we look for in a young trustee
1) You must be a member of Empathy for special children
2) You must attend Empathy sessions regularly
3 ) You must set a good example to others
4) You must be able to listen and talk to others
5) You must be fair and think about things from everyone's point of view
( even if you don't agree )
What might you be asked to do as a Young Trustee ?
You will be asked to talk to the other children and young people at your group and find out what they like, what they don't like and what they would like to do at groups and sessions.
You will be asked to ensure that everyone knows you are a young trustee at your group and that you are someone they can talk to about groups and sessions.
You will be asked to attend Young Trustee meetings ( we usually go somewhere fun )
You might be asked to represent Empathy at Presentations and Awards etc.
You might be asked to raise some funds
If you would like to be considered for a young trustees position at your group please fill in the form below.